OK, so I then booted from the hard drive and modified /etc/yaboot.conf
like this:

        append="video=radeonfb:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Unfortunately when I reboot from the drive this time the monitor is
not stable. Same bad screen I've been getting.

i assume you ran ybin -v after you changed yaboot.conf ?

also maybe try video=radeonfb:1024x768 without the bit depth or frequency

Here's what I'm seeing in dmesg:
vga16fb: initializing
vga16fb: mapped to 0x000a0000
fb1: VGA16 VGA frame buffer device

i would remove vga from the kernel, its kinda useless ( at least will be once you figure the is out, right now it is being used as a fall back)

So, why is it in a 720x400 mode?

no idea

A couple of other questions. I'm assuming the 'p' or 'i' in the mode
names above are progressive vs. interlace? Should I be including that
in how I describe the name in yaboot.conf?

yes, i do believe that it is progressive and interlaced. you do not need to specify that in yaboot.conf

Also, what are the S, V & U at the start of each mode name?

i found the file that explained that once, forgot where it is and wish i could remember! i want to know myself.

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