Spider, you make some very valid points.

I've written a (small, kludgy, in-house, will never be fit for prime time) text
installer in python that essentially asks all the pertinent configuration
questions (root partition, boot partitoin, swap partition, what filesystem
type(s) one wants, static ip address v. dhcp, dns v. nis, etc.) and then does
the rest of the install unattended, essentially following the installation guide
and desktop howto, then further customizing per my company's needs.

Which led me to the idea of a TEXT BASED, split window installation program that
would LEAD or GUIDE one through the install WITHOUT dumbing it down, with a lynx
window in the (upper or right) half of the screen and a text prompt, or text
editor (choosable at the beginning between vi, nano, emacs, ??? perhaps) when
appropriate for configuring the system.  Help available at the console at all
times, with an explanaition of what you are doing (e.g PURPOSE: network
configuration; ACTION: editing /etc/conf.d/net, followed by an explanaition a la
the install guide).  All interactive work (edits, etc.) would be done at the
beginning, then one walks away and lets the compiler run.

My script is nowhere near anything like this ... it takes some (ugly) prompts,
gets the minimal information it needs, and sets up a system tailored to my and
my employer's needs (hard coded in the python script), but this approach would
seem to address most of the complaints requesting an installer of sorts, without
dumbing the process down and lowering the bar as a Mandrake-style installer
might.  Those wanting eye candy might be disappointed, but those simply wanting
a little less manual difficulty with the installation, and those who simply
thing that hand installs come across to their corporate masters as too
"unpolished", ought to be satisfied for the most part, with no dumbing down of
the process involved.

I agree with you 100%: any installer that hides and denies the user knowledge
is, in the medium and long term, a great disservice, and I agree with your
concerns as to what the ramifications would be (even less clueful people posting
even less clueful bug reports, etc.).

So, with that in mind, an ideal installer for gentoo from my perspective would be:

1) NOT graphical, but rather text (curses?) based, so it can be run remotely in
a chrooted environment on a working, installed system (clean upgrades from
scratch, which are often desired)
2) poses all interactive questions at the beginning and end of the process, so
one can walk away from a week long compile (literally, on a P2/233) after
spending a few minutes answering questions and editing files, then come back at
the end of that (day|weekend|week), edit rc.conf, enter a root password, and
perhaps answer another couple of questions and then reboot.  I.e. no interactive
work done in the middle of the install!
3) NOT dumbed down.  User should be GUIDED and EDUCATED, not, and I repeat, not
have the underlying architecture and complexity hidden from them.  Knowing where
to hand edit a file from the beginning makes later tasks (putting the machine on
a new network, changing its name, upgrading its kernel, etc.) vastly easier and
faster than doing a quick, slick, fancy-schmancy graphical install and then
having no idea what (Red Hat|Mandrake|Suse) file to edit when changes are needed

I prefer no installer to a graphical installer, but would find something like
the above both very useful from a time and convinience perspective, and useful
in educating newcomers to how Gentoo and Linux works in perhaps a less daunting
fashion than the hand editing process is (meaning we'd likely get more clueful
users as a result, rather than clueless ones).

Alas, I am so swamped with work (moving office, etc.) that I won't have time to
even think about this stuff for several months, but if one of the folks
clammering for an installer wants to take a crack at it, I humbly submit my
(non-patented, free for any non-proprietary use) thoughts as a possible starting



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