> > A thing that I'm really missing is the gentoo counterpart to the 
> > "FreeBSD Handbook". Or... Did I missed it? ISTM that one has to search 
> > accross the web to be able to use gentoo. First, it's extremly time 
> > consuming. And second, that's not acceptable for business purpose 
> > (although for hacker purpose, that's fine. I think, I will switch to
> > gentoo at home).  

> http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/glep/glep-0013.html
> This GLEP talks about the creation of a Gentoo Handbook, akin to
> FreeBSD's handbook, starting with the chapter on installation. 

YES! If we would have a "Gentoo Handbook" with the same level 
of quality as the FreeBSD one, I wouldn't see any reason to use 
something else as Gentoo ;-)


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