Hi Collins! 

> Quick answer.  If you emerge <generic-package-name>, portage finds the
> appropriate version and all dependancies.  If you emerge <specific-
> package-name>, you are responsible for finding any dependancies that
> can't be met automatically and resolving them yourself.  If looks like
> the package you are trying to emerge has a dependancy that is still
> masked, so you need to unmask and emerge that dependancy first.

Thanks, that's what I wanted to know!!! I'll search about this "unmask"
concept. Of course, if someone has some links, they would be 
appreciated ;-)

> As the other poster said, do you really want to do this?  

Sure! See my previous reply! 

> You are getting into an area of experimentation where even 
> some experts may not choose to tread. 

You know... "to be an expert" doesn't say much... 


An expert is someone who spends their life/career learning 
more and more about less and less until they know absolutely 
everything about nothing at all.

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