On Thu, 2005-03-03 at 08:53 -0600, Keith Gable wrote:
> I noticed a key in gconf. It's something like
> /apps/panel/profiles/default/applet.4/preferences/channel (or
> something to that effect, I have no idea what it actually is

I had a play around, and it looks like its the settings for the "volume
control" applet on the gnome panel.  Right click on this applet to bring
up preferences, then you can select which chanel the applet controls.
(You'll notice the value in gconf-editor changing as well).

I use this applet to control my volume, because I can't get the keys
working properly - its second best though as I have to move the mouse to
the applet, etc.

Iain Buchanan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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