Jarry wrote:

I'm installing Gentoo 2005.0 using universal installation CD
on a small, general purpose server (apache+mysql+php, mail,
some net-games, teamspeak, ftp, shells, 20-30 users, etc.).

Up to now I always used ext2, but now I want to try some
journaling fs for my 2x160GB ata-disks, fully in raid1
(partitions: / /boot /var /tmp /usr /opt /home and swap).

But even after reading of 2005.0-handbook, I have no idea
which fs could be best for me. I tried to find some comparisons,
but results are ambiguous. Could you give me some recommendation?
I'd like to hear opinions especially from those who have
personal experience with various fs...



I don't claim to be an expert when it comes to file systems, but I can give my recommendations. Surely though, you'll get better ones from more qualified people out there :)

Anyways, I've had experiences with ext3, ReiserFS and XFS. I prefer XFS for volumes where I have all the ISOs and stuff.. basically large files. Ext3 on basically everyother volume except /boot. I used to have ReiserFS, but somehow the performance usually started going down after a few weeks... dunno why. Having said that, we have power failures fairly regularly and Ext3 has been rocksolid after a power failure... always.

Anyways, I can see fire-eyes recommending ReiserFS there... Well, like he/she said, its a matter of personal opinion.

Mrugesh Karnik
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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