My $0.01 plus tax...
Two inexpensive brands of hardware that I have always found to do everything they say (but nothing more) and to last a long time:
I/O Magic

I/O Magic does make dvd's, cd's, etc. Have one now. Fine usb-unit, all o/s's.

LG I don't know, so I can't say.  Sony is always good.

Free advice: even if it hurts, paying for better now can prevent much grief later. I know!! (And I understand that sometimes you just ain't got no choice but to pinch that penny until it breaks -- been there a lot.)


Mrugesh Karnik wrote:

Hello all,

I'm sure this has been asked a lot of times previously, but I need to buy a DVD burner in a couple of days. The choice is between LG and Sony. I'm just wondering which drive would be better with Gentoo. (I've heard about problems with Mandrake and LG drives in the past! So, I'm a little troubled...)

As the subject says, I urgently need recommendations. At the most, I'll have another couple of days before I have to buy it!

Please, reply quickly if possible!

Thanking you.

Yours Faithfully,
Mrugesh Karnik

P.S. Well, I don't know the model numbers! *sigh*

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