
I've been noodling round a gentoo system, that I intend to customize
for viewing all sorts of video inputs. Feel encouraged to
correct my verbiage/understanding below:

USE flag settings: mild confusion.

make.conf USE settings are working fine, but I'm not sure
I have everything I need selected in the make.conf file.
So I can look in the '/usr/portage/profiles/use.desc' to see
the master list of possible USE flag options to include in
the make.conf file. OK  I can check individual packages with:

so I can 'emerge gentoolkit' and use:
qpkg -i -I PACKAGE  <-i gets me package info and -I limits the list to
                        installed packages only>
etcat uses <package>    <shows all USE flags of <package>>

These allow me to get package listings and check USE flag settings. OK.

Performing a search:
'find -name 'use.defaults' -print'
nets lots of candidate files, here is the short list of
files that contain USE flags that my system (P4 for video) uses:

So if checking the master list '/usr/portage/profiles/use.desc'
and these aformentioned 'use.defaults' if there  is a USE
flag setting I want, such as 'ffmpeg', I just add it to the
/etc/make.conf USE settings and run:
emerge -uD world --newuse

That way any other package I install(emerge) will be compile to support
the USE flag settings, ffmpeg in this example.

Did I miss something?

I just updated  my profile to:'default-linux/x86/2005.0'
because the gentoo_genie told me to.

How do I check (command syntax) that the profile is actually updated ?

How come all of those 'use.defaults' files still
have 2004.x in the path names instead of 2005.0 ?


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