Hi Antoine,

On 5/23/05, Antoine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am looking for wiki software to install for our company intranet and I
> see that twiki is masked. Is this not the main wiki software? What do
> others use? We would want the possibility to restrict write access but
> apart from that we are very flexible. What would be the lowest
> maintenace OSS software?

I was recently able to deploy a Gentoo server with mediawiki. The
installation was simple, and the configuration took about a day. It
was then upgraded from 1.3.11 to 1.3.12. That was smooth and didn't
cause a problem. It recently got upgraded to 1.4.xx and I haven't done
the research behind it to see what needs to change from the database
side - so it's been left at 1.3.12. No one has requested an upgrade

Customising of the interface wasn't too difficult. Most areas were
laid out logically, and the feedback from the users we have so far is
they're happy with it - both in features and in ease of use. We've
also made it that only people who have a login in can change content
as well as protecting some pages that only the sysops of the wiki can
update them.

Mediawiki also powers the following:



Ric de France
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