Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
> On Saturday 02 July 2005 05:10, Justin Hart wrote:
>>I'm sure that ATI will come through, or, whatever.  Just, well, if you
>>get one RIGHT NOW, NEW, you'll be dissapointed.
> Well, ATI driver sucked 10 years ago, they suck today... I don't think that 
> ATI is able to make any decent drivers EVER.

Equally their Windows (ick) drivers sucked not so long back - yet now
they are much better. (Or were, i can't say i like the new .NET control

> So, buying a card and waiting that ATI will release working drivers is.. hm.. 
> hopeless ;) 

The recent versions of the drivers have been much better than the older
ones. I'm sure things will improve over time. But in the graphics
industry time is something that you don't have - if you buy a card you
want it to work there and then.

Maybe if Linux becomes more mainstream or used in offices more then
perhaps they might improve the efforts towards the Linux drivers.

I'm happy with them at the moment, yes there are things that could be
improved - but aren't there always? :)

Tim Igoe
http://tim.igoe.me.uk - Personal Site
http://tv.igoe.me.uk - UK TV Guide

"Computers are like Air-con, open windows and they stop working!"

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