I decided to test PulseAudio on Gentoo since someone claimed the reason PulseAudio has a "it blows chunks" reputation because of Ubuntu shipping it with a broken configuration.

So, I did:

  USE="alsa pulseaudio -oss" emerge -auDNl --with-bdeps=y world

This installed PulseAudio and rebuilt all applications to drop OSS support and use ALSA or Pulse instead.

I also took a look at this:


and did the "usermod -a -G plugdev pulse" thing.

I rebooted with an ALSA-enabled kernel and with OSSv4 completely removed. But it doesn't work; everything can use ALSA OK, but not PA. For example, "mplayer -ao pulse video.mkv" says:

  socket(): Address family not supported by protocol

What now?

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