Mick <michaelkintzios <at> gmail.com> writes:

> What application can I use to capture a video sequence of events on my 
> desktop?  I'd like to do stuff on an application and create a video of my 
> mouse clicks and responses from the application.  Is there anything other 
> than 
> xvidcap which seems to be hard masked?

Hello Mick,

After troving around a while, I cannot find the app I stumpled across
previously mentioned. Here is what I did find:

vncrec/vns2swf : http://www.linux.com/archive/feed/38221

istanbul : http://linuxappfinder.com/graphics/screencapture
 (et. al.)

PS overlook the attitudes of others, and if in doubt put
OT in the subject line, so those 'hi strung folks' skip
over your needs.....


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