On Monday 05 July 2010 16:43:24 James wrote:
> Mick <michaelkintzios <at> gmail.com> writes:
> > What application can I use to capture a video sequence of events on my
> > desktop?  I'd like to do stuff on an application and create a video of my
> > mouse clicks and responses from the application.  Is there anything other
> > than xvidcap which seems to be hard masked?
> Hello Mick,
> After troving around a while, I cannot find the app I stumpled across
> previously mentioned. Here is what I did find:
> vncrec/vns2swf : http://www.linux.com/archive/feed/38221
> istanbul : http://linuxappfinder.com/graphics/screencapture
>  (et. al.)
> PS overlook the attitudes of others, and if in doubt put
> OT in the subject line, so those 'hi strung folks' skip
> over your needs.....

WOW!  There are more screencapture apps there that I can shake a stick at!  
Thanks James, I was also thinking of creating a flash movie for a demo and the 
vnc2swf will come handy too.

Thanks again for your help.

I better bookmark this linuxappfinder.com before I lose it.  ;-)  It seems 
like a good place to start looking for apps.

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