Am 19.10.2010 09:45, schrieb Dale:
> Hi,
> I am thinking of upgrading from a FX-5200 with 128Mb video card to a
> GeForce 6200 with 512MB.  It will be AGP since this is a older rig.  My
> system is something like this:
> Mobo:  Abit NF7 2.0
> CPU: AMD 2500+  No overclocking
> Memory:  2Gbs of 333Mhz.
> Monitor:  Gateway 19" running 1280 x 1024
> I think my memory is fine, it never uses all of it, or even half of it,
> except for caching stuff.  I may try to get a 3000+ or 3200+ CPU if I
> can run up on a good deal.  I'm thinking of doing the video card first
> because it is cheaper.  I have also noticed that playing movies on here
> is getting a bit slow if I go full screen or close to full screen.   I'm
> bad to download from youtube and then play them locally full screen or
> as close as it will allow.
> I do use the nvidia drivers.  Currently:
> nvidia-drivers-173.14.25
> I'm on that one because I think I need to upgrade my kernel to use the
> latest one that was recently put in the tree.  I'm looking at this card:
> What kind of improvement can I expect from this video card upgrade? 
> While I am at it, the CPU upgrade won't make that much difference
> right?  Maybe 20% or so faster or something like that?

Hi Dale,

first and foremost, a newer card will allow you to use the newest driver
series (195.*.*) which is always a good thing ;)

It also gives you more texture units. You can use these to transfer more
work to your GPU (mostly scaling and such). Take a look at `man mplayer`
section '-vo gl' for a list of options.
VLC has similar options, I think. I don't know about gstreamer or xine.

I could be wrong but I don't think that adobe-flash uses these options.
That is probably part of the problem why flash is so much slower on
GNU/Linux than on Windows. If my assumption is true, you are better off
buying a faster CPU.

You could also test how gnash performs. Since it uses ffmpeg (AFAIK) it
might be worth a try.

Please take my advices with a big dose of salt. While I still run an old
desktop with nearly identical specs, I almost never use Youtube and
therefore have no experience with that.

Hope this helps,
Florian Philipp

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