On Fri, 22 Oct 2010 17:19:51 +0100, Stroller wrote:

> > ... Openrc will be stabilised at some time,
> > so you may as well do the upgrade when you feel like it rather that
> > when the devs decide to flip a keyword.  
> I thought this was a matter of debate - Openrc was IIRC the creation of
> Roy Marples, who was originally a Gentoo dev and the baselayout
> maintainer.
> As Roy developed baselayout 2 (or "baselayout - The Next Generation",
> as you might call it) he decided to generalise it, AFAICT, in order to
> make it useful to other distros or unices (e.g. the BSDs).

> Roy is no longer a Gentoo dev and is no longer maintaining Openrc:
> http://roy.marples.name/projects/openrc

I sit corrected.

> I understood the future of Openrc within Gentoo to be in question:
> http://archives.gentoo.org/gentoo-dev/msg_ce55de133ca592b638db758c9e457370.xml

An interesting read, until the rants start, we'll just have to wait and

Neil Bothwick

If you consult enough experts, you can confirm any opinion.

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