On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 08:54:25PM +0100, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Oct 2010 17:19:51 +0100, Stroller wrote:
> > > ... Openrc will be stabilised at some time,
> > > so you may as well do the upgrade when you feel like it rather that
> > > when the devs decide to flip a keyword.  
> > 
> > I thought this was a matter of debate - Openrc was IIRC the creation of
> > Roy Marples, who was originally a Gentoo dev and the baselayout
> > maintainer.
> > 
> > As Roy developed baselayout 2 (or "baselayout - The Next Generation",
> > as you might call it) he decided to generalise it, AFAICT, in order to
> > make it useful to other distros or unices (e.g. the BSDs).
> > Roy is no longer a Gentoo dev and is no longer maintaining Openrc:
> > http://roy.marples.name/projects/openrc
> I sit corrected.
> > I understood the future of Openrc within Gentoo to be in question:
> > http://archives.gentoo.org/gentoo-dev/msg_ce55de133ca592b638db758c9e457370.xml
> An interesting read, until the rants start, we'll just have to wait and
> see.

Well, there isn't any question as far as whether or not openrc is going to be 
stabilized, there is however a question of what's going to be put in ~arch 
afterwards, whether or not to use devicekit or whatever it's called now.
I don't have time to find them myself, but check out the two threads named "The 
future of sys-apps/openrc in Gentoo" and "openrc stabilization update".
The general consesus is that for now openrc will be stabilized and the project 
has been brought back into Gentoo, so the question for now is what the future 
of ~arch is.
On an end-note, I've been using openrc for about a year now on a fully ~arch 
system and it works like a charm :)

Zeerak Waseem

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