Alan McKinnon wrote:
Apparently, though unproven, at 18:19 on Friday 22 October 2010, Stroller did
opine thusly:

On 22 Oct 2010, at 12:29, Neil Bothwick wrote:
... Openrc will be stabilised at some time,
so you may as well do the upgrade when you feel like it rather that when
the devs decide to flip a keyword.
I thought this was a matter of debate - Openrc was IIRC the creation of Roy
Marples, who was originally a Gentoo dev and the baselayout maintainer.

As Roy developed baselayout 2 (or "baselayout - The Next Generation", as
you might call it) he decided to generalise it, AFAICT, in order to make
it useful to other distros or unices (e.g. the BSDs).

Roy is no longer a Gentoo dev and is no longer maintaining Openrc:

I understood the future of Openrc within Gentoo to be in question:
xml or
Did you and I read the same mail thread? I read all of it - did you?

The end result of that is not that there is a question over openrc, it is that
openrc will proceed. And anyone else that wants to pursue systemd or any other
init system is free to go ahead and show up on gentoo-dev with running code.
Meanwhile, openrc is where it's going.

The thread started with someone wondering about openrc; I disagree with your
conclusion about where it ended.

That was what I recalled about the openrc discussion too. It is coming but just not sure when. Me, I'm not switching until it starts getting closer to that time. It, like some of the newer versions of portage, appears to be stable and is used by many people but is not marked stable yet. Both of those sort of confuse me sometimes.

I'm just hoping that when the switch comes, it is painless.


:-)  :-)

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