I'm new to Gentoo (old at Linux) and like what I see so far.
The only downside to Gentoo that I've found is that it takes
forever to compile everything.  I do appreciate that my system
runs faster, it's just the price is two days and a fat pipe
to do a fairly complete install.  Most binary installs take
me less than half of a day.  I watched OpenOffice download
and compile for over six hours before I gave up and went to

Now on to my topic.  I have noticed that the Samba version
presently available in Portage is v3.0.10.  That version
was released more than six months ago.  The latest released
version of Samba (v3.0.14a), which contains several important
bug fixes over v3.0.10, was released in mid-April.  The next
release of Samba will be v3.0.20.  It presently is in the
"rc" stage and will be released "real soon now".

Being new to Gentoo, I don't know what the typical lag time
between an upstream release and a Portage release is, but
from the looks of the packages I have installed, it seems
that Portage chases the upstream releases rather vigorously.

Is there some specific issue with Samba?

Has the Samba/Portage maintainer been unable to work on
this?  Does he/she need assistance?

Should I just get v3.0.14a directly and maintain it outside
the Portage system?

I don't mind maintaining Samba outside of Portage, but before
I do so, I would like to understand the present situation.


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