On 04/26/11 10:31, Dan Cowsill wrote:
> Why I love this list in one thread.
> Anyway, just an update on the situation.  As far as I can tell, this
> 'you have no world file' error only shows up when i'm doing a
> --depclean.  Also, it is intermittent.  Right now, -pcv works just fine
> and reports the correct number of packages to be removed (zero).  I'm
> not sure what breaks this, or if it will be broken in the future.
> At this point, I'm not terribly worried about the whole thing, but I am
> rather curious.

Well, the "You have no world" message only shows up in one place.


  psets = root_config.setconfig.psets
  selected_set = psets['selected']
  if not selected_set:
        writemsg_level("!!! You have no world file.\n",
                       level=logging.WARNING, noiselevel=-1)

The 'psets' variable gets set in /usr/lib/portage/pym/_emerge/main.py:

  setconfig.psets['selected'] =

and that WorldSelectedSet class is defined in,


If you *really* want to know what's going on, you could throw some debug
statements in main.py whenever the 'psets' variable gets set. That way
you can at least see which file it's looking for.

I'm not a doctor but it's probably perfectly safe.

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