On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 05:19:29PM +0200, Space Cake wrote

> I'll try to avoid as many kde/gnome application as I can :) I don't 
> really like them because I want to have my window in front of me right 
> when  click on the icon :). I just started to clean-up my useflags, 
> changed to desktop profile and I'll leave my machine here for the 
> weekend to re-emerge everything is needed for this change. I'm sure 
> some revdep-rebuild and depclean still waiting for me and also I think 
> lot of kde / gnome libs will remain because of the dependencies...

  Here's my "autodepclean" script.  It parses the output of a pretend
depclean and generates, but does not execute, a script called
"cleanscript", which has to be run as root.  Note the warning to check
"cleanscript" before running it.  Remove the commands to unmerge the
stuff you want to keep.  In addition to some gentoo-sources kernels, it
now wants to remove nano, ever since "virtual/editor" showed up in
Gentoo.  I get the warning...

!!! 'app-editors/nano' (virtual/editor) is part of your system profile.
!!! Unmerging it may be damaging to your system.

  Here's the script...

# autodepclean script v 0.01 released under GPL v3 by Walter Dnes 2010/08/18
# Generates a file "cleanscript" to remove unused ebuilds, including
# buildtime-only dependancies.
# Warning; this script is still beta.  I recommend that you check the output
# in cleanscript before running it.  It is agressive about removing unused
# gentoo-sources versions.  This includes those that are higher than your
# current kernel.  This is technically correct for removing unused ebuilds,
# but it may not be what you want.
echo "#!/bin/bash" > cleanscript
echo "#" > cleanscript.000
emerge --pretend --depclean |\
  grep -A1 "^ .*/" |\
  grep -v "^ \*" |\
  grep -v "^--" |\
  sed ":/: {
s/    selected: /-/
s/^ /emerge --depclean =/
}" >> cleanscript.000
while read
  echo "${REPLY}" >> cleanscript
  if [ "${REPLY:0:6}" == "emerge" ]; then
    echo "revdep-rebuild" >> cleanscript
done < cleanscript.000
chmod 744 cleanscript

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>

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