Albert W. Hopkins wrote:

On Sunday, September 11 at 18:54 (-0500), Dale said:

I think I saw it mentioned on -dev that some time shortly /usr
and /var
will be needed on / or you will need the init* thingy to boot.
was my understanding of this mess.  So, if you are about to do a
that needs /var on its own partition, I would ask a dev to see how
should plan.  I could have misunderstood but I'm pretty sure it's
coming.  It may also depend on what you are going to be running too.
mention because no need doing it one way now and having to fix it
later.  That sucks!

That said, I have /var on its own partition and mine boots fine,
although I haven't rebooted in a week or so.  I don't think the
has happened yet but is coming.  I may have a different answer in a
month or so.  ;-)


Hmm, that doesn't smell right to me.  What I think you may have heard is
about /run.  systemd and some other things are preferring to
move /var/run to /run.  The reason being is that /var does not have to
be on the root fs.  sysdemd needs /run early (before mounting
filesystems) so the idea was to put /var/run on the rootfs, thus /run.

I don't think /usr should or ever will be required to be on the rootfs.
That's just dumb.  The reason we have /bin /sbin, etc. is so that /usr
need not be on the rootfs.  It doesn't make sense to change that well
known/established notion.

See also the FHS.

Have you been here the last week or so? We have been discussing this change for that long. I got the info from -dev. Alex posted the same so I guess I was reading it right. I agree it is dumb but that doesn't appear to sway the devs a bit.


:-)  :-)

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