On Monday, September 12, 2011 10:24:05 PM Alex Schuster wrote:
> Canek Peláez Valdés writes:
> > But what you guys don't seem to realize is that /lib and /bin and
> > /sbin was the original hack: everything really should go into /usr,
> > because now (with an initramfs) we can do what we were not able 30
> > years ago. We not need anything in /, really.
> You do have a point here.
> > Anyway, I'm not trying to convince anyone. Just wanted to show the
> > links and to make clear among other things that *no one* has ever
> > proposed (even less try to force) a non separatable /var. You can
> > speculate all you want, but that's all: speculation.
> I cannot find it, but I'm very sure I just read about /var also being
> affected. But it looks indeed like that will not be necessary at all.

What about dependencies for:
/var/lock/lvm/..... (For LVM-operations)
/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket (Isn't "dbus" going to be part of systemd?)

To me, this seems like either these need to be moved to "/", or there is a 
dependency for /var.

> > Going back to work: nice chatting with you guys.
> Thanks for your input and your time.
> Personally, I don't really care that much. Either I somehow update my
> initramfs (I expect this to be easy) to include the stuff needed
> formounting /usr, or I extend my root partition and put /usr in it. I
> still don't like that much, but there are just more important problems,
> and it's really not such a big deal. Just another big update that needs
> manual intervention, as it happens from time to time. Like the migration
> to openrc for example. I wonder why no one complained about that when it
> happened.

The migration to openrc went fine for me when it went into stable. The only 
issue I had was that /etc/init.d/net.eth0 didn't exist. That was an easy fix.
I'm glad I always have access to the console here.
This was also reported quite early in the documentation and mailing lists, 
which I checked *after* I upgraded one of the xen-domains on the server.

This requirement is going to force me to use an init* for all my machines and 
I need to check how to get this to work for Xen PV-domains. I have managed to 
avoid using bootloaders for this as I don't store the kernel on the domains 


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