On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 13:26:41 +0800, Andrew Lowe wrote:

>       Thanks for the replies, I forgot about the config stuff sitting
> there in the home dir. I think the way around this for me is Pandu's 
> suggestion of a different user name for each linux and using bind mount.

I normally use the same username but a different home directory, so my
Gentoo home directory is /home/nelz and my SUSE one would be 
/home/nelz-suse. That way you can keep the same username, and UID, in
both distros and not run into permission problems. Sharing directories
can then be done simply with symlinks.

However, for one app, a VM would probably be a better solution. Not only
would it save all this hassle, it would also save having to reboot every
time you wanted to run the program.

Neil Bothwick

One difference between a man and a machine is that a machine is quiet
when well oiled.

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