Am Dienstag, 3. Januar 2012, 14:36:08 schrieb Nicolas Sebrecht:
> The 03/01/12, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> > If you go back through the list archives you will find the enormous
> > thread that caused Walter to start down this road in the first place.
> > His efforts are an attempt to deal with the gigantic bloat-fest that
> > the udev devs seem to revel in.
> If you go back through the list archives you will find that I'm envolved
> in this thread. ,-p
> > Walter is doing fine work, he should be supported in this.
> It's free software so everybody can feel free to support him, of course.
> I think it's time consummed in the wrong road. I'm a bit curious how
> long this alternative can survive. :-)

since Walter does it to ease an itch he is feeling and since Walter is doing 
this for fun 'time consumed in the wrong road' is not an argument.

Other people love to build miniature F1 cars and put them behind glass. Waste 
of time? From my POV sure. From theirs? Hell no!


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