Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Jan 2012 16:07:41 -0500
> Tanstaafl <> wrote:
>> On 2012-01-11 3:56 PM, Alan McKinnon <> wrote:
>>> On Wed, 11 Jan 2012 11:04:01 -0500
>>> Tanstaafl<>  wrote:
>>> I haven't read the site yet, but just on the basis of your
>>> description, all I'm seeing is a teeny-weeny amount of entropy
>>> leading to passwords that are very easy for computers to compute.
>>> The algorithm is probably known and there can't be that many unique
>>> attributes to a URL, leading to a very small pool of random data.
>>> In fact, I see this as a distinct possibility:
>>> Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
>> You are wrong, but you'll need to read the site to learn why...
> The site doesn't say much. It has one page, no internal links (quite a
> few external ones) and a single link to an image.
> But still, one can infer some of the methods of operation. There's a
> master password and a few bits of easily guessable[1] entropy in the
> additional data the user can configure.
> It has one weakness that reduces it back to the same password being
> re-used. And that is that there is a single master password. An
> attacker would simply need to acquire that using various nefarious
> means (shoulder surfing, social engineering, hosepipe decryption) and
> suddenly you are wide open[2].

I would expect it to use a strong forward-only hash. I can't do that in
my head, but that's what I'd expect this software to do. A MITM between
the computer and the remote host should only result in a single password

> I don't see that it increases cryptographic security by very much (it
> does by a little) but it will increase real-life effective security by
> a lot. It removes most of the threat from shoulder-surfing and
> StickyNoteSyndrome (much like ssh agents do too). In a corporate
> environment[3], that is the major threat we face, the onbe that keeps
> me awake at night, the one ignored by all security auditors and the one
> understood by a mere three people in the company... :-(

I was convinced you completely missed the point, but I think you found
it here.

> [1] Easily guessable by a computer
> [2] I have my paranoia hat on currently
> [3] for example, mine

I'm seriously unconvinced that concatenating words significantly
increases the difficulty of the problem. Just as a mentalist will
presume you're thinking about '7', your average demographic would
probably draw from a small pool of source words, even latching on to
catchphrases and other memes. You're likely to see "steamingmonkeypile",
"nyanyanyan", "dontsaycandleja-" and "hasturhasturhast-" used more than
once, for example. I'd give a better list of likely results, but I don't
want to run too far afoul of good taste in public posting. :)

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