On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 11:41:28AM -0500, Mike Edenfield wrote:

> Actually, it's just the words "purple RAIN" with e/a/I replaced with 3/4/1;
> I chose l33t-sp33k since I figured it was so over-used for password
> generation that everyone would recognize it immediately :) But yes, I think
> Randall's point is much the same as yours: once the cracker tools "figure
> out" this pattern of character replacements it becomes significantly less
> secure. I'm just curious if there are any real metrics as to "how much less
> secure" that is...

I'm mixing both -- having long phrases (like whole, but normal, sentences), or
randomly joined words, and those words are in turn leetified. Exampple:
r3dc7053tch41r (red, closet and chair combined in such a fashion).
Gruß | Greetings | Qapla'
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