On Wed, 11 Jan 2012 17:48:50 -0600
Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On a security related question.  Why does so many people have their 
> facebook accounts and other similar sites hacked?  Do hackers just
> guess their passwords or do they break into the websites?  I have
> facebook, myspace, google+ and a couple others and have had them for
> years.  I have never had mine hacked into, at least not yet.  I'm
> just curious. Is it a windoze thing?  lol

Nothing like that. Most people think they are very clever about
passwords but they are actually rather dumb about it.

Easiest way to break into many people's FaceBook page is to scrape
their FaceBook page and throw a lexical analyser at it (that being the
same class of software that search engines use - it looks for patterns
in text. The software does not have the human bias we all have, so it
can find relations that our minds are wired to ignore). The more public
the person's FaceBook page is and the more activity it has on it, the
greater the odds that they will leak enough information about
themselves so that software can make a reasonable prediction about what
sort of passwords they use.

When you approach this problem with an understanding of human
psychology you almost always find that the range of possible passwords
for people is far far smaller than we think. I'll even tell you who are
the WORST offenders:


Geeks are their own worst enemies, and their accounts are very valuable
targets to crackers. Geeks are a niche class of humans and are prone to
think the same way (not all the time of course, they just share much
more in common with each other than the big group called humanity).

Too many geeks think they are being cute with their clever password
schemes. Here's a common one: something from Lord of The Rings
translated to l337-speak <sigh>. And the geek who does it is blind to
the fact that he's doing it - simple observer bias about self.

That's not true for all geeks of course - some really do have well-nigh
uncrackable passwords. But I find that when a geek is a victim of his
own bias and does something dumbish, it's usually a spectacular level
of dumbishness.

Alan McKinnnon

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