On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 1:52 PM, m...@trausch.us <m...@trausch.us> wrote:
> On 02/14/2012 01:40 PM, LK wrote:
>> On 120214, at 19:24, m...@trausch.us wrote:
>>> On 02/14/2012 01:08 PM, LK wrote:
>>>> BTW: So is grub0 still supported by gentoo / maintained by themselves?
>>>> Does that matter(it is boot, no network stuff) ?
>>> GRUB Legacy (that is, GRUB versions 0.xx) is still the default in
>>> Gentoo.  In order to use GRUB 2 (that is, GRUB version 1.99 in Portage)
>>> you'll have to unmask sys-boot/grub-1.99-r2.
>> The thing is, IMO grub0 is better / simplier.
> I disagree.  GRUB Legacy is not the same in any two distributions
> because every single distribution patches it differently because it
> hasn't had core functionality updated in a very long time.  It's pretty
> much abandoned by upstream, as well.
> I'm not saying that it is bad, but I _am_ saying that it has outlived
> its usefulness.
> GRUB 2 follows an entirely different architecture.

A detailed elaboration would be nice.

A contrasting migration guide, complete with the how's, where's and
why's would be awesome. (Once one's invested in understanding a tool,
a 1-2-3-itsmagic walkthrough is very discomforting.)


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