On 02/14/2012 02:59 PM, Michael Cook wrote:
> You can't edit /etc/default/grub to customize how grub-mkconfig
> generates grub.cfg. Mint probably has update-grub like Ubuntu does which
> just allows you to use that command instead of grub2-mkconfig -o
> /boot/grub/grub.cfg

grub-mkconfig (grub2-mkconfig in Gentoo) uses the scripts in /etc/grub.d
to generate the configuration file.  It runs them in sequential order.
You can add, remove or rename the scripts in order to have them do what
you want.

You can also edit the 40_custom file, which will insert its contents
verbatim (sans its shebang and exec lines) into the configuration file
when grub(2)-mkconfig is run.

For the paranoid, you can put a failsafe boot option in that file.

        --- Mike

A man who reasons deliberately, manages it better after studying Logic
than he could before, if he is sincere about it and has common sense.
                                   --- Carveth Read, “Logic”

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