On 27/05/2013 18:55, Mick wrote:
> I recall you or some other Gentoo user in this list advocating setting up 
> dovecot or some such to locally collect and store messages.  This aligns with 
> the one task per tool approach that mutt's design philosophy fulfils as a 
> simple MUA.  It has its advantages, but also has its disadvantages.  It 
> requires me to do back ups, instead of relying on Google.  It requires me to 
> run a separate server (if I were to run this on my LAN, as opposed to my 
> lap/desktop) and pay for it, instead of Google's 'free' infrastructure and 
> energy bill.  One more application to configure and bother myself with, on 
> the 
> unexpected occasion when configuration files need editing in a rush because 
> things no longer work since the last update.
> More critically, whether I run a local MRA/MTA or not, I will *still* need 
> another mail client irrespective of where my messages are stored.  This is 
> why 
> I kindly ask for some person who's more experienced on configuring mutt than 
> I, to give me a hand setting it up.  :-)

It could well have been me recommending a local dovecot back then (it's
my own solution)

Now that I have a clearer picture of how you want your mail to work, I
don't think I can be of much useful help - I tend to not customize mail
clients much :-)

I usually just use them as-shipped, add my usual filter rules if needed
and adapt to it's key bindings. I dunno why I do mail this way when I
eternally fiddle with every other kind of app out there...

Hopefully some other kind soul will chip in with better answers to what
you are looking for

Alan McKinnon

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