On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 09:39:11PM -0400, Walter Dnes wrote:
> On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 01:49:47PM +0100, Mick wrote
> > I would be grateful if some kind soul guided my hand on configuring
> > mutt to behave like ... errm ... kmail!  O_o
>   Hi; a long-time mutt-user here.  The authoritative source for info is
> http://www.mutt.org/  You can subscribe to their mailing list.  They
> also have the comp.mail.mutt newsgroup.
>  First, let's look at what mutt *ISN'T*.  It's not a singing-dancing
> all-inclusive "integrated" monstrosity.  It reads email, writes email,
> and hands it off to your local MTA for delivery.  In addition to mutt I
> also need "getmail" (or equivalant), procmail, and "ssmtp" (or
> equivalant).  And the organization of my inboxes controls mutt, not visa
> versa.  My setup here at home...
>   I can receive email from 3 sources...
> my personal domain MX
> my Google account
> my emergency backup dialup account
>   I use maildir format storage.  I run a script that calls getmail for
> each account.  getmail passes the emails to procmail, which passes the
> emails to the appropriate inboxes.  I set up a separate inbox for each
> mailing last or group that I belong to.
>   mutt reads the email.  It "sends" to ssmtp, which is a very simplified
> sendmail.  All it does is push the email out the door to my ISP's MTA,
> which does the real work.  I dislike only one thing about ssmtp.  It
> *INSISTS* on installing "sendmail" symlinks in 3 or 4 different
> locations, all pointing back to /usr/sbin/ssmtp.  My most embarressing
> moment as a user was when a chatty daemon started sending a bunch of
> stuff to "root@" my ISP.  I did not appreciate that.  After that, I
> tightened down what stuff gets sent where by daemons, and set up a
> script that wipes the symlinks.  I have to rerun it after each ssmtp
> update.
> -- 
> Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
> I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications


New mutt user here. I'm curious as to why you are using ssmtp, mutt can
talk SMTP directly. That simplifies thing as well regarding the
"sendmail" symlinks.
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