On 10/06/2013 12:34, Tanstaafl wrote:
> Sorry, that wasn't much of a problem description...
> I have a system that I often manually mount and unmount some NFS mounts...
> If I try to do a reboot or shutdown of the system while one of these NFS
> mounts is mounted, it hangs with the last thing showing on the screen as
> "Unmounting /var..."
> I've let it sit there for at least half an hour, maybe more, so I don't
> think it would ever continue...
> If I remember to manually unmount the NFS mount before initiating the
> reboot/shutdown, it doesn't hang.
> I'm guessing that it hangs at /var because it is the last mountpoint
> defined in my /etc/fstab?
> So... any pointers on where to look for a resolution would be appreciated.
> Resolution being, if I can manually unmount it fine, why can't the
> system auto-unmount it?

Let's get some facts to work with

can you post your fstab, rc-update show, /etc/exports on the NFS server
and the mount options used for the NFS mounts?

> Thanks,
> Charles
> On 2013-06-09 4:23 PM, Tanstaafl <tansta...@libertytrek.org> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Ok, now would like to investigate this to see why this is causing my
>> shutdowns/reboots to hang with the last thing on the screen being
>> 'unmounting /var...'
>> Anyone got any idea where to look? I sure don't...
>> I see a googling session in my near future, but any pointers that may
>> help expedite this would be appreciated...
>> Thanks!

Alan McKinnon

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