On Sat, Jul 6, 2013 at 11:33 AM, Alexander Puchmayr
<alexander.puchm...@linznet.at> wrote:
> I just burned all my pictures from my last vacation on a blueray-disk using
> k3b, and for no apparent reason it stoped at 99.8% and complained an error
> (I/O error). I checked the logs (see attached file), but could not find a 
> hint.
> I compared each and every file on the disk with its original, but yould not 
> find
> any problem.

Maybe it is same as described in this bug:


I don't use k3b but I know when I burn a 25GB disc image using
growisofs, I have to disable the spare sectors otherwise it won't fit
on the disc, and it burns all the way until the end where it fails,
rather than "knowing" ahead of time that it won't fit.

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