Thanks to all who replied.  sys-firmware/seabios needed the "binary"
flag and sys-firmware/ipxe needed the "qemu" and "vmware" flags.  It's
starting now, and most of my problems are solved.

  I still have permission problems as a regular user with qemu-kvm, but
qemu-system-i386 works.  Root can start qemu-kvm.  "modprobe kvm-intel"
from a root xterm, followed by "qemu-kvm blahblahblah" from a regular
user (i.e. "waltdnes") fails...

Could not access KVM kernel module: Permission denied
failed to initialize KVM: Permission denied

Before anybody asks...

# grep kvm /etc/group

  One more question... I rebuilt qemu with sdl enabled, and now have the
Gentoo install ISO booting up in a window via sdl with...

qemu-system-i386 -cpu qemu32 -m 3072 -hda sda.raw -cdrom installx86.iso -boot d

  But the screen refreshes are somewhat slow.  I'd prefer to do it with
vnc.  What is the way to boot up and connect with vnc now?  Starting

qemu-system-i386 -vnc :0 -cpu qemu32 -m 3072 -hda sda.raw -cdrom installx86.iso 
-boot d no output at all.  "ps -ef" shows the qemu process is present.
I've installed tightvnc, but documentation is almost non-existant.
Google turns up tons of download sites and instructions for Windows,
complete with screen captures of cutsie-wootsie dialogue windows.  I need
just 2 things please...

1) What vnc parameters to enter into the qemu commandline?

2) What "vncviewer" or "vncconnect" parameters do I use to get to the
qemu session?

  I just had a scary thought... the vnc "help" mentions connecting to
the the client display.  But the install cd boots up to a text console.
Please don't tell me that tightvnc can't connect to a plain text

Walter Dnes <>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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