On Thu, Aug 01, 2013 at 12:28:38PM -0400, Tanstaafl wrote
> Hi all,
> Ok, rehashing this, but please don't turn it into another udev vs 
> systemd thread.
> I have an older server that I have been putting off this update, 
> debating on whether to update to the regular udev, or to eudev.
> I've googled until my fingers are blue, but cannot for the life of me 
> find any explicit instructions for *how* to switch from udev to eudev.

  Step 1)
keyword sys-fs/eudev-1_beta2-r2

  Step 2)
ensure that "kmod" and "openrc" and "-modutils" USE flags are set (at
least for sys-fs/eudev).  "tools" flag needs to be set for sys-apps/kmod
(usually a system default)

  Step 3)
unmerge udev sys-apps/modutils
(You *MUST* specify "sys-apps/modutils" to avoid confusion with

  Step 4)
emerge eudev
(should pull in kmod)

  Step 5)
  The following message shows up in elog.  Do as it says...

> WARN: postinst
> You need to restart eudev as soon as possible to make the
> upgrade go into effect:
>         /etc/init.d/udev --nodeps restart

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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