On Wednesday 13 August 2014 15:07:19 James wrote:
> I previously thought that /usr/portage/distfiles
> only contains  tar files. I have not clean up the
> system, as I'm moving (dupicating some files for my
> /usr/local/   needs.
> But I do not remember ever seeing any types of files
> other than compressed tar files in /distfiles/
> Now I have (sampling):
> *.pathch
> I thought all patch files where kept in the subdirs where the
> ebuilds are located (files dir)? It is still where most *.patch
> files are located.
> *.exe  (like verdan32.exe webdin32.exe )
> and many others (here's a sample from /usr/portage/distfiles):
> scons-2.3.0-user.html
> scons-2.3.0-user.pdf
> scrollkeeper-omf.dtd
> seamonkey-2.26.1-en-GB.xpi
> rdoc-4.0.1.gem
> readline62-004
> rfc2307bis.schema-20140524
> nmap-logo-64.png
> gobject-introspection-1.40.0.tar.xz._checksum_failure_.146ofr
> I guess I need "enlightenment" ?
> Also, in the past I have manually aged/pruned or size/prunded
> the disfiles dir, but I stopped doing that in the age
> of 2T+ sized drives....maybe I need to return to cleaning up
> distfiles/ by hand?

Yes, I see I have other things than .tar.bz2 too, now you mention it.

One of my boxes runs http-replicator to serve distfiles to the network. The 
clean-up script I run after upgrades includes this line:
        find /var/cache/http-replicator -ctime +182 -exec rm '-v' {} +

Also, have you tried eclean-dist, from app-portage/gentoolkit?


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