On 2014-09-18, Alec Ten Harmsel <a...@alectenharmsel.com> wrote:
> Mark David Dumlao wrote:
>> The code is out there. Freely available. Both systemd and sysvinit.
>> If you wanted to measure both, you could, literally, in the time it
>> took since you first posted in this thread till now you could have
>> measured several times and left mean comments about whichever
>> system you hated the most.
> Unfortunately, the systemd guys keep screaming that systemd is faster,
> and burden of proof is on the party that's claiming something. It's not
> James'/Volker's responsibility to prove that systemd isn't faster.

I don't understand all the hoopla about systemd being "faster".

Faster at what?  


The only Linux systems where I care about boot time are embedded
systems which are never going to have the resources needed to run
systemd.  As for normal desktop machines, who cares?  I only reboot
them once every month or two (when I'm bored and want to make sure
they will still boot up after updates).

My laptop(s) get booted a lot more often than desktops, but the boot
times have never been an issue.

The other thing I keep hearing from systemd proponents is stuff about
how it allows you to parallelize startup.  I don't _want_ stuff
starting up in parallel -- that just makes it all the more difficult
to troubleshoot problems.  I want things to start up one at a time, in
a determined order.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! The FALAFEL SANDWICH
                                  at               lands on my HEAD and I
                              gmail.com            become a VEGETARIAN ...

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