
On Tue, 23 Dec 2014 15:22:26 +0100 Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
> Anyone here running ceph / http://ceph.com/ on gentoo?
> As server(s) or client or ... ?
> I am learning about this right now and currently on my way to a first
> small test cluster. Very interesting possibilities !

We used it about a year ago for our infrastructure (backup and
live sync of HA systems), obviously both servers and clients were
used, both on Gentoo. We stopped this because of numerous kernel
panics, not to mention that it was quite slow even after tuning. So
we switch to another solution for data sync and backups: clsync. (It
was developed from scratch for our needs, this is not a filesystem,
but may be considered as more powerful alternative to lsyncd.)

Though this was a year ago or so. Your mileage may vary and
it is likely that during this year stability was improved.
Ceph is very promising by both design and capabilities.

Best regards,
Andrew Savchenko

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