On Sun, 23 Nov 2014 23:50:48 +0100
hasufell <hasuf...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> Again: you are confusing a specific incident with my proposal of a
> distributed model. I was just bringing it up as an _additional_
> argument why I find the distributed approach more interesting...
> because it makes it easier to regroup and abandon toxic people
> without having to fight them for years.
> Nothing of what I say is vague. It is already implemented and I
> pointed it out. If you refuse to look at it or recognize it, then
> that's not my fault.

Snow is so nice, but I stay home 'cause snow is so cold; not my fault.

As an outsider to this new distributed Gentoo discussion happening here;
I would be much more interested in a distributed Gentoo if it was fully
committed to, rather than seeing you try to convince the inconvincible.

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