Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On 24/06/2015 13:50, Alec Ten Harmsel wrote:
>> P.P.S. Also, on 1% better performance: My professor for the compilers
>> class I took used to (maybe still does) work at Google. Apparently
>> Google sees a <1% increase in performance as *the best thing ever*,
>> because it can save them a bunch of money in infrastructure and power.
>> Apparently Google are the ultimate ricers.
> Sounds like a case where Google already did the sensible optimizations
> long long ago and are now hitting the diminishing returns from the long
> tail. There are probably many of these and they all add up.
> One thing I've learned about Google's setup - there's nothing else like
> it out there and they are truly unique. Almost nothing Google does to
> optimize their setup is widely applicable to anything else :-)
> Take their power density. Last figures I have is they were running at 4x
> the kW per square foot as anyone else with a brain. This terrifies
> people who know about cooling. But, that's the setup and that's what
> Google has to work with. Now suddenly, all those lots of little
> improvements start to become a huge deal.
> So yes, ultimate ricers. Also the ultimates in
> "riding-co-close-to-the-edge-you-fall-off-the-cliff" :-)

Do we even have a clue how many puters Google has now?  I read several
years ago it was like 10,000 or so.  No telling what they have now.  o_O


:-)  :-) 

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