On 07/16/2015 01:17 PM, gottl...@nyu.edu wrote:
>>> The Gentoo minimal CD does not work if you simply dd it to a thumb drive
>>> (I rediscovered this anew on Monday). It works just fine if you use
>>> unetbootin to do the magic though.

Is the partition table valid after you used dd to copy it over? If it
isn't, try mounting the livecd. You might find a boot.img or something.
This will vary though depending on the ISO you find.

I ran into this with Crucial's boot disk for flashing (isolinux).

I did

dd bs=4M if=blah.iso of=/dev/sd?
mount /dev/sd? /mnt/gentoo
cp /mnt/gentoo/boot/boot.img ~/
umount /mnt/gentoo
dd bs=4m if=~/boot.img of=/dev/sd?

You'll have to update the device file accordingly.

After I wrote the boot.img found within the ISO I was using, I was able
to boot from the USB.

Your mileage may vary. Sometimes dd works, sometimes it needs extra steps.


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