On 16/07/2015 22:01, Alec Ten Harmsel wrote:
>> On Jul 16, 2015, at 3:44 PM, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The Gentoo minimal CD does not work if you simply dd it to a thumb drive
>> (I rediscovered this anew on Monday). It works just fine if you use
>> unetbootin to do the magic though.
> I highly recommend using the ArchLinux ISO, which can be burned to a flash 
> drive with dd. It doesn’t have the gentoo-specific tools, but that’s really 
> the only problem. UNetBootin has always been hit or miss for me.
> Alec

I've only ever had two kinds of problem with unetbootin:

Not waiting long enough for the write to complete. This is real easy
when using corporate-gift-keyring type USB sticks (the thin ones without
a USB-A casing around the connectors and no activity light

Writing to one particular SanDisk product with a fancy Windows specific
magic-sauce-protect-firmware, this stick does not boot no matter what I
write it with.

So as long as 1 use my eyeballs and keep my thinking cap on, unetbootin
works OK for me. A reliable dd that always works would be first prize though

Alan McKinnon

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