2015-07-16 14:17 GMT-06:00  <gottl...@nyu.edu>:
> On Thu, Jul 16 2015, Alec Ten Harmsel wrote:
>>> On Jul 16, 2015, at 3:44 PM, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> The Gentoo minimal CD does not work if you simply dd it to a thumb drive
>>> (I rediscovered this anew on Monday). It works just fine if you use
>>> unetbootin to do the magic though.
>> I highly recommend using the ArchLinux ISO, which can be burned to a
>> flash drive with dd. It doesn’t have the gentoo-specific tools, but
>> that’s really the only problem. UNetBootin has always been hit or miss
>> for me.
>> Alec
> Thank you both.  Let's see if Alan is right and Neil offers a magic dd
> recipe.  When this is over I will update the wiki or at least add a
> comment for the authors to consider.
Why do you want to use the gentoo minimal CD?  if your laptop has EFI
I don't think you will be able to configure it properly. (I'm not
aware if the minimal cd has an EFI boot partition, but by the way you
describe your boot it seemes it doesn't, is this right? you can check
the iso with fdisk -l )

Either way I still don't know why the manual keeps recomending using a
minimal installation cd for amd64 platforms, especially desktop types.
I recommend you to boot somthing that has X, a browser and
Networkmanager, I see no point  the unnecessary pain of installing
gentoo with a console only CD on such newer hardware. It's just
complicating your life because you want to.

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