On 16 July 2015 at 23:39,  <gottl...@nyu.edu> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 16 2015, Alon Bar-Lev wrote:
>> On 16 July 2015 at 23:28, Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 2015-07-16, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > The Gentoo minimal CD does not work if you simply dd it to a thumb drive
>>> > (I rediscovered this anew on Monday). It works just fine if you use
>>> > unetbootin to do the magic though.
>>> Has that changed recently?  I tought the minimal ISO was already
>>> "hybrid" and would boot directly from a USB drive.  I would have sworn
>>> I did nothing other than "dd" it to a USB drive the last time I did an
>>> install.
>> So do I, it worked perfectly, I was very impressed.
> Yes, that is what I thought I read here (and know I read it on the
> wiki).  But it failed for me (this is my first time with flash;
> previously I used a CD-R) and apparently also for McKinnon.
> Perhaps there is a basic minimal-iso/flash/al+an incompatibility. :-)

The only thing I can think of is that bootloader recognize the device
via BIOS and Linux (install-cd configuration) does not as it is
special device.

Try to exit to shell and see if you have /dev/sd*.

Read dmesg and see if storage is recognized.


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