Mick <michaelkintzios <at> gmail.com> writes:

> > http://www.gentoo-wiki.info/GRP

Interestingly, I found this link::


> > Not sure if the gentoo Attic contains such images.
> Hmm ... this cvs is empty:


> https://sources.gentoo.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/gentoo-src/grp/

I might have some old cd's laying around; but they will not contain
the (catalyst) source codes use to stitch that old installer together
will they?

I'd be curious as for many of my embedded systems projects a vintage
installer for embedded gentoo just might be the easiest pathway forward.

Usually you can find old codes, but I'm not having any success.....
As an old fart, I like looking back at old codes.... ymmv.

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