Am 17.10.2015 um 16:59 schrieb
> The equery command found three more of those:
> app-admin/conky-1.9.0-r3 (nvidia ? media-video/nvidia-settings)
> sci-libs/vtk-6.1.0-r1 (video_cards_nvidia ? media-video/nvidia-settings)
> sys-apps/hwloc-1.10.0-r2 (gl ? media-video/nvidia-settings)
> I fixed that via accorinding use-flag setting as you suggested but
> unfortunately vtk is ignoring my manipulations:
> [I] sci-libs/vtk
>      Available versions:  ~6.0.0^t (~)6.1.0^t 6.1.0-r1^t {R +X all-modules 
> aqua boost cg doc examples ffmpeg gdal imaging java json kaapi mpi mysql odbc 
> offscreen postgres python qt4 rendering smp tbb tcl test theora tk views web 
> xdmf2 ELIBC="FreeBSD" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" VIDEO_CARDS="nvidia"}
>      Installed versions:  6.1.0-r1^t(05:31:39 06/13/15)(X rendering tcl tk -R 
> -all-modules -aqua -boost -cg -doc -examples -ffmpeg -gdal -imaging -java 
> -json -kaapi -mpi -mysql -odbc -offscreen -postgres -python -qt4 -smp -tbb 
> -test -theora -views -web -xdmf2 ELIBC="-FreeBSD" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 
> VIDEO_CARDS="nvidia")
>      Homepage:  
>      Description:         The Visualization Toolkit
> There is no 'nvidia-settings" use-flag with vtk.
> But nevertheless - it pulls it in:
> [nomerge       ] sci-libs/vtk-6.1.0-r1::gentoo  USE="X rendering tcl tk -R 
> -all-modules (-aqua) -boost -cg -doc (-examples) -ffmpeg -gdal -imaging -java 
> -json -kaapi -mpi -mysql -odbc -offscreen -postgres -python -qt4 -smp -tbb 
> {-test} -theora -views -web -xdmf2" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 
> VIDEO_CARDS="nvidia" 
> [ebuild  N    ~]  media-video/nvidia-settings-355.11::gentoo  USE="-examples 
> -gtk3" 0 KiB
> Am I lost? ;)

A bit. ;-)

There is no USE flag "nvidia-settings". The USE flag is called
"video_cards_nvidia" resp. VIDEO="nvidia". It's both the same. In
make.conf you usually set VIDEO="nvidia", but you can also set or unset
USE="video_cards_nvidia" in make.conf, package.use or wherever instead.

VIDEO="nvidia" automatically sets USE="video_cards_nvidia" in the
correspondent ebuilds.

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