<karl <at> aspodata.se> writes:

> > > I found a workaround in the sys-fs/static-dev package.

Interesting read :: bgo #107875

> > Let's be clear: static-dev is NOT a workaround. It is a full proper
> > solution for the case when a dynamic device node solution is not 
> > desired.

Well, I can think of embedded (linux) systems, a lock-down server and
machine(s) loaded up with (NFV) Network Function Virtuals, as prime examples
where a static dev is very useful; albeit a management pain if one is not
careful. This is a very interesting topic for me.

> > Of course it means you have to mknod every device you need yourself. But
> > you know that going in right?

> Yes (though I alreade have a /dev from before).

For explicit clarity, you've got a "/dev" from using dev-manager on the
system previously, and now you desire to switch to a static-dev? (Why ?)
 Or did you derive from scratch (or other means) a '/dev' for a specific
need you are working on by design, historical example etc?

I apologize in advance, but this thread intersects some critical new
thinking on systems cluster formation. I have ran into a small group of
extraordinary coders that are building a Hi Performance Cluster out of C,
Rust and a minimized static-dev.  So I am very curious as to your specific
and detailed motives for this 'static-dev'. If a private note is warranted,
feel encourage for that type of response. If this unbounded curiosity of
mine is unwelcome, you have my deepest apologies.


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