<karl <at> aspodata.se> writes:

> I'm new to gentoo, is there some special semantic to the "bgo #" ?

You'll find gentoo is full of traditional *nix users and minimalists.
Don't let the progressives disturb your reticent ways... you are in good


> I have had no pain useing an old plain /dev. What's the pain ?

I try to do to many things, and often get confused on what use to work,
what may work and what might work. 

> > For explicit clarity, you've got a "/dev" from using dev-manager on the
> > system previously, and now you desire to switch to a static-dev? (Why ?)
> >  Or did you derive from scratch (or other means) a '/dev' for a specific
> > need you are working on by design, historical example etc?
> No, I never used udev et al on my boxes, there has simply been no need.

On workstations, I use openrc and eudev; but I work on many many different
devices that have /dev issues, particularly in an embedded platform.

> > I apologize in advance, but this thread intersects some critical new
> > thinking on systems cluster formation. I have ran into a small group of
> > extraordinary coders that are building a Hi Performance Cluster out of C
> > C Rust and a minimized static-dev.  So I am very curious as to your  
> > specific and detailed motives for this 'static-dev'. If a private note >
> is warranted, feel encourage for that type of response. If this 
> > unbounded curiosity of mine is unwelcome, you have my deepest apologies.

> I never had any compelling reason to let some daemon with mess with
> /dev. And I have had a compelling reason to avoid it, when doing an
> "usual" stable dist-upgrade of Debian lenny to squeze (I think), Debian
> installed udev per default and everything just stopped working. And
> that darn thing wouldn't uninstall and /dev wouldn't unmount to get
> back my /dev-entries. So udev have only giving me pain and no gain.
> The only thing dynamic theese days are usb. Usb disks I can handle
> manually, usb kbd/mouse has always worked. I usually don't use more
> than one keyboard so I don't really need xkb, nor do I need something
> to autodetect keyboard layout, since I change it to something else 
> anyhow. And udev woun't detect my serial mouse anyhow... so much for
> that.

Excellent! I like you quite a lot, Karl. Just so you know, folks are
encouraged to maintain ebuilds here at Gentoo, via the proxy maintainer
project. So if you find an orphaned packaged you like (equery m <ebuild>)
then just drop them an email. [1]  It's a good way to help customize gentoo
in a move-at-your-pace platform.

> That said, if I would like to test some "dev-manager" (except myself)
> than I'd look into something that behaves nicely, like mdev (busybox)
> or vdev (https://github.com/jcnelson/vdev.git).

With gentoo, all things are possible. eudev + openrc might be a pleasant
combo and they are both "gentoo source projects" or close enough. The folks
that work on those are quite busy and would most likely welcome your input
and participate. On the desktop, you might like lxqt or lxde?

If you find codes you like, and there is no ebuild for them (eix -R
<package>), then you can easily create an ebuild, most of the time. Complex
dependency are a bit trickier. Check out the gentoo devmanual .

> Regards,
> /Karl Hammar

Thanks for the info! ;-)


[1] https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Proxy_Maintainers

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