2016-09-01 10:30 GMT+03:00 Matthias Hanft <m...@hanft.de>:
> gevisz wrote:
>> But what are disadvantages of not partitioning a big
>> hard drive into smaller logical ones?
> If your filesystem becomes corrupt (and you are unable to
> repair it), *all* of your data is lost (instead of just
> one partition). That's the only disadvantage I can think
> of.

That is exactly what I am afraid of!

So, the 20-years old rule of thumb is still valid. :(

> I don't like partitions either (after some years, I
> always found that sizes don't match my requirements any
> more),

And this is exactly the reason why I do not want to partition
my new hard drive! :)

> and therefore, on my new server, I didn't create
> any other partitions than "boot":
> home01 ~ # df -h -T
> Filesystem     Type          Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/sda4      xfs            17T   14T  2.9T  83% /
> devtmpfs       devtmpfs       10M     0   10M   0% /dev
> tmpfs          tmpfs         3.2G  644K  3.2G   1% /run
> shm            tmpfs          16G  512K   16G   1% /dev/shm
> /dev/sda2      ext2          124M   46M   72M  39% /boot
> ACDFuse        fuse.ACDFuse  100T  284M  100T   1% /mnt/acd
> /dev/sdb1      ext3          2.7T  707G  1.9T  28% /mnt/toshiba
> home01 ~ #
> Backup of important and/or secret files goes to an external
> USB hard drive (sdb1) which is formatted with ext3 for
> maximum compatibility (every other Linux can read this
> without kernel hacks); backup of not-so-secret files goes
> to Amazon Cloud Drive (acd) or some other "cloud"; unimportant
> files (videos which I have on DVD or BD anyway, or can re-buy)
> just aren't backed up.
> -Matt

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