On Thu, Sep 01, 2016 at 11:44:19AM +0300, gevisz wrote:

> > Some people do a full systems check (i.e. badblocks) before entrusting a
> > drive with anything important.
> It is a good advice! I have already thought of this but I am sorry to
> acknowledge that, since the "old good times" of MS DOS 6.22, I never did
> this in Linux. :(
> […]
> So, can you, please, advice me about the program or utility that can do
> badblocks check for me?

Badblocks is part of e2fsprogs. But since you’re using USB2, this will
really take a while. At best I get 39 MB/s out of it. Another way is a
S.M.A.R.T. test, methinks `smartctl -t full` is the command for that. But I
don’t know what exactly is being tested there. But it runs fully internal of
the disk, so no USB2-bottleneck. Others may chime in if I tell fairy tales.

Gruß | Greetings | Qapla'
I cna ytpe 300 wrods pre mniuet!!!

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